A Father's Love Questioned
I heard something from Dr. Dobson, I believe, that I feel I must take him to task over. On a subscribing station (WGTS 91.9), I heard him site a statistic to the effect that a child goes to bed every night without the love of its biological father. Now, I guess that's not such a good thing. But, there are children, like my daughter, who go to bed every night with the love, prayers and concerns of "A" father. My wife and I adopted our daughter close to four years ago and I'm the only father she's known. And, I'm sure that there are countless other similarly situated families. The comment you made, at least to my ears, seemed to place a higher value on the love of biological parents, which is the furthest thing from the truth. If my daughter and other adoptees had heard such a statement, what impression would they have been left with? I don't think I love my daughter any less than if she were from my own loins. After all, biological differences between people are negligible. It's only our own foolishness that recognizes these slight differences as worthy of attention. I really don't know what I expect Dr. Dobson to do to rectify the comment because it's already out there. Perhaps he could be more mindful of the fact that love and concern are not dependent on biology or genetics. Did not Joseph love his adopted son?
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